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Using JWT and Iterable to Implement Email Unsubscribe Links
Using JWT and Iterable to Implement Email Unsubscribe Links JWT, or JSON Web Tokens, are a popular method for securing web applications and APIs.

How To Use Iterable Use Labels
How Does Iterable Use Labels? Labels are powerful tools within Iterable. They allow marketers to segment their audiences effectively, as well as track and

Part 1 – Intro linux tips
Just a quick guide on the first few things you will have to master when working from the command line on linux.

Cascade all windows with Amethyst
Sometimes too many windows can become overwhelming, not the operating system but having too many

With Cloudron you can host your own git repositories, host your app, host your website, build a private media server, run Minecraft, play with Linux, and 1000 other things! Like, building your own Wikipedia, or running KanBan boards and project management. Service a mailing list without any limits.

Using JWT and Iterable to Implement Email Unsubscribe Links
Using JWT and Iterable to Implement Email Unsubscribe Links JWT, or JSON Web Tokens, are a popular method for securing web applications and APIs.

How To Use Iterable Use Labels
How Does Iterable Use Labels? Labels are powerful tools within Iterable. They allow marketers to segment their audiences effectively, as well as track and

Part 1 – Intro linux tips
Just a quick guide on the first few things you will have to master when working from the command line on linux.

Cascade all windows with Amethyst
Sometimes too many windows can become overwhelming, not the operating system but having too many